Thursday, 8 May 2014

Plastic surgery/society research(fmp)

I found an interesting article on the internet of Artists way of portraying how the world is with looking a certain way and having to feel like going through with plastic surgery to look a certain way:
However, the models nips and tucks are actually cut outs from fashion magazines.
The artistic duo poke fun at the fashion industry by placing new noses, lips and eyes over models faces to show how plastic surgery can form entirely new facial expressions.
The fascinating project entitled ID allows the French artists to experiment with visual perception showing that beauty is no longer natural, but is socially constructed.
Professional photographer Bruno Metra, 45, said: "In the media we are bombarded by images of others.
Magazines, cinema and television keep creating and imposing codes that become social references. What one must look like, how to wear make-up, what clothes to wear, how to behave.
The act of representation has taken over what's real; models erase themselves in order to gain another self."
To see the results of the duos artificial facelifts and makeovers view our gallery below.

a German multifaceted artist who works with photographs, performances and video.
She wants to analyze herself, both physically and psychologically, and the female role in our society.
Her method of analysis is strictly connected to the idea of destruction and reconstruction of her image. This process drives her to a new form of photo-collage, where the main ingredient used to stick together all the pieces is not glue but a simple black thread. In this way we can describe her work as a product of handcraft.
"Already as a child I suspected that I was looking for something, however, it took a long time until I found the way to the fine arts (see also my biographical portrait). My inspiration comes from my own experience as well as from the awareness of my personal surroundings and of society. Simultaneously my technical and artistic work gives me new ideas"
"The technique evolved from the etching to the haptic line/thread. This was the content of my work: I wanted to “mark” the human body so that he/she could feel the drawing on his/her skin. In this way my work developed to photography and video-documentation. Gradually these techniques became independent, and I invented the photo restitching: I tear out parts of the image in the photo and insert other parts. It results in a break but also in a new whole, it is ambivalent."
She then came out with the question of "What happens to women these days, how do they present themselves? Which compulsions (and liberties) exist for women today?"

Orlan's art of sex and surgery:

My experimentation of this idea:

Twisted idea: The face-distorting jewellery designed to challenge 'obsession with plastic surgery'

World's oddest jewelery? Terrifying Beauty, a range designed by Burcu Buyukuna, is made of gold wiring that distorts the face
World's oddest jewelery? Terrifying Beauty, a range designed by Burcu Buyukuna, is made of gold wiring that deliberately distorts the face
Burcu said: 'My work is driven by conventions and societal norms relating to the body.
'Terrifying Beauty focuses on the trends of cosmetic surgery to question conventions of beauty and challenge the function of jewellery as adornment.
'I hope people will immediately ask if they would or would not wear such pieces.'
Message: Terrifying Beauty focuses on the trends of cosmetic surgery to question conventions of beauty and challenge the function of jewellery as adornment
Message: Terrifying Beauty focuses on the trends of cosmetic surgery to question conventions of beauty and challenge the function of jewellery as adornment
Message: The range focuses on the trends of cosmetic surgery to question conventions of beauty and challenge the function of jewellery as adornment.

Lucy Mcrae and Bart Hess

Bart Hess (1984) explores several fields combining material studies, animation and photography in a surrealist manner. With his fascination for the human body and the manipulation of it, Hess pushes the boundaries of the textile design profession: his designs transcend the craft, as Hess chooses to extend them via other media such as film, photography and animation. His futuristic materials and textures blur the boundary between textile and skin, human and new species.
With his work Hess has obtained an independent position in the world of fashion, design and art. His list of international collaborations and clients include prestigious names such as Lady Gaga, Lucy McRae, Palais de Tokyo and Nick Knight.
Pins and Needles:

American Vogue

American Vogue

Lucyandbart sculpted their ‘Evolution’ silhouette for model Caroline Trentini photographed by Nick Knight for American Vogue in an exclusive article about age, youth and plastic surgery

fine art/chemicals in makeup research (fmp)

Expectations v.s Reality.
First initial ideas:
im looking into everything to do with reality in society ,fakery,social media,cyber bullying,forced,agrophobic,to be someone your not etc.This is the agrophobia part of it i have researched looking at real stories ands art,artists have produced to do with it.Also secrets to with the world.
Some of the ingredients in beauty products aren't that pretty. U.S. researchers report that one in eight of the 82,000 ingredients used in personal care products are industrial chemicals, including carcinogens, pesticides, reproductive toxins, and hormone disruptors. Many products include plasticizers (chemicals that keep concrete soft), degreasers (used to get grime off auto parts), and surfactants (they reduce surface tension in water, like in paint and inks). Imagine what that does to your skin, and to the environment.


Eating Freedom Fighters.

Rebelle Wellness is a creative and holistic approach to wellness, co-created by Tanya Lee Markul & Andrea Balt, two restless health & wellness junkies in search of inner freedom, with a deep love for greens, herbs, fruit & veggies, a screwball imagination & an appreciation of life as a work of art.

We’ve taken our health and wellness in our own hands, assuming full responsibility for the course of our lives and trying to recreate our own living collage, daily. There is no ‘one-size fits all’ when it comes to wellness & nutrition, and no-body knows more about your-body than YOU.

So let’s get creative instead of depressed!

It may sound like a new language at first, but it is one we were already born speaking. All we have to do is remember.

And we don’t need to relearn it all at once. A few words per day are enough. We’re the do-what-you-can-with-what-you-got kind of people. Nothing is perfect and nothing will ever be right, if we wait for it to become so.

“The world without spirit is a wasteland. People have the notion of saving the world by shifting things around, changing the rules, and who’s on top, and so forth. No, no! Any world is a valid world if it’s alive. The thing to do is to bring life to it, and the only way to do that is to find in your own case where the life is and become alive yourself.” ~ Joseph Campbell
Cambell was an American Mythologist.Writer,lecturer,best known for comparative mythology and religion.His work is vast, covering many aspects of the human experience. His philosophy is often summarized by his phrase: "Follow your bliss."
Referring his work to Pablo Picasso.

 We are editors of life. We cut and paste its daily beauty and pain with the sharp scissors of our minds on the canvas of humanity.
As human beings we can only assimilate the world through selective perception. The more we train our perception, the more aware we become of the world around us, in its light and darkness.

We turn into what we digest on a daily basis. Due to our spongy nature, we must absorb carefully.

Francoise Nielly
I found this on Rebelle Wellness and it nterested me with the thick bright colours.

I think this work I found by Francoise Nelly is very interesting,because I was looking into chemicals in makeup etc,thought this portrayed the look of unnatural,harsh chemicals we are putting on our face.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

skins research

Pictures I took at the leeds museum.

fmp work so far

 I wanted to portray the fact that everyone in this world watches tv,reads magazines and newspapers and were all being brainwashed to watch and believe everything that is being said.